Thursday, 22 October 2009

Third Year

Phew...what a night. I can hardly get myself on my feet.
But I think the pain is even worse as I gave a quick glance around the house...
Gosh..what a mess!!! We definitely had a new year party alright.

But then I realised how much I had gone through to be this far.
I got to admit this isn't exactly what I expect it to be.
Living in Egypt, with dust, overcrowding population and sampah everywhere...etc etc
The stinking look they gave and ridiculous rent we had to pay each month.

I just can't imagine how I had managed to survive in these two miserable years.
And yet, there's still four years of never ending misery ahead sob2
To be honest, my brain is a freaking time bomb that is about to explode at any time. more exam for now. Why oh why do they have to make it this soon...
I reckon this coming exam definitely gave me a wake up call for me to get back on track.

My wish goes to all 3rd year of luck for this upcoming mid term exam!!!

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